Customer Assistance Program
Do You Qualify for a Water Bill Discount?
SJW’s Customer Assistance Program (CAP), formerly known as Water Rate Assistance Program (WRAP), provides a 15% discount on the total water bill for eligible low-income customers. To qualify, you must meet the following requirements:
- The San Jose Water bill must be in your name or you must be a submetered tenant in a mobile home park.
- You may not be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.
- You must reapply each time you move.
- You must notify San Jose Water within 30 days if you become ineligible for WRAP.
If you were a participant in the WRAP program, you do not need to reapply for the new CAP program.
Note: If you are currently not on SJW's CAP program but you are a PG&E rate assistance CARE participant, you must still submit a CAP application to receive the 15% discount.
How Do I Submit a CAP Application?
SJW accepts CAP applications by mail (110 W. Taylor Street, San Jose, CA 95110) or email at
More Ways SJW Can Help
If you are the victim of a disaster declared by the state or federal government, there are many ways SJW can assist you. Learn more on our Disaster Relief page.
Water Utility Bill Relief Resources
We understand that this has been a difficult time for many of our customers. In addition to offering our Customer Assistance Program (CAP) and very flexible payment plans, we suggest reaching out to the following local resources for further help.
- Call 211 from any phone. This is a resource and referral line which provides information on organizations offering help with rent and utility payments. They will provide contact information, website URLs and phone numbers.
- West Valley Community Services offers water bill assistance to the areas they cover. Call (408) 255-8033.
- COVID-19 Rent and Utility Bill Relief. Call (833) 430-2122 or visit Provides applications for help with rent, utility bills and more if you have been impacted financially by COVID-19.
- St Vincent De Paul Society - Santa Clara County: call (408) 249-2853. The type of assistance will vary by church and location.
- Sacred Heart Community Service & Valley Water help low-income households pay water bills. Visit or call 1-877-278-6455.
Help Paying Your Water Bill - up to $15,000
Having trouble paying your water bill?
California has a program which can help – the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).
- Income-eligible customers, or those who are recipients of CalFresh or CalWorks
- Funds can be used for overdue bills from any time period
- You can receive a one-time benefit up to as much as $15,000 for your water bill
San Jose Water encourages any customer who continues to face hardship to apply for this aid. Please call (408) 916-5014 or head to:
Ayuda para pagar su factura de agua
¿Tiene problemas para pagar su factura de agua?
California tiene un nuevo programa que puede ayudarlo: el Programa de Asistencia de Agua para Hogares de Bajos Ingresos (LIHWAP).
- Los clientes cuyos ingresos cumplen los requisitos, o los que son beneficiarios de CalFresh o CalWorks.
- Los fondos pueden usarse para las facturas atrasadas de cualquier período de tiempo.
- Puede recibir un beneficio único de hasta $2,000 para su factura de agua.
San Jose Water anima a todos los clientes que continúen pasando por momentos difíciles a que soliciten esta ayuda. Llame al (877) 278-6455 (asistencia para el pago de facturas de electricidad y agua) o visite:
Hỗ Trợ Quý Vị Thanh Toán Hóa Đơn Nước
Quý vị đang gặp khó khăn trong việc thanh toán hóa đơn nước?
Tiểu bang California có một chương trình mới có thể hỗ trợ quý vị – Chương Trình Hỗ Trợ Nước cho Hộ Gia Đình Thu Nhập Thấp (LIHWAP).
- Khách hàng đủ điều kiện thu nhập hoặc những người nhận CalFresh hoặc CalWorks
- Có thể sử dụng tiền hỗ trợ cho các hóa đơn quá hạn trong khoảng thời gian bất kỳ
- Quý vị có thể nhận phúc lợi một lần lên đến $2,000 cho hóa đơn nước của quý vị
San Jose Water khuyến khích mọi khách hàng vẫn đang gặp khó khăn ghi đăng ký hỗ trợ này. Vui lòng gọi (877) 278-6455 (hỗ trợ cả hóa đơn điện gas và nước) hoặc truy cập:
加州有一项新计划可以提供帮助,即低收入家庭用水援助计划 (LIHWAP)。
- 符合收入条件的客户,或是 CalFresh 或 CalWorks 的受助者
- 资金可用于支付任何时间段的逾期账单
- 您可以一次性获得最高可达 2,000 美元的水费补助金
San Jose Water 鼓励任何持续面临困难的客户申请此援助。请致电 (877) 278-6455(能源和水费账单援助)或访问: